


This is less of a post and more of a public service announcement.

1. I've finally added comments. Please feel free to comment on any past or present posts. I expect a comment for every post from Thainamu, who's been at me about getting these installed. ;)

2. I would like to send a shout out to the international crowd reading this blog. Who knew? Ok, it's probably just Thain, but that still gives me the right to claim this prestigous honor (misspelling in commemoration of non-Canadian visitors).

3. Just a quick comment on the atrocities that are being revealed in Iraq. This is exactly what I have been saying all along, folks. W is not a Christian, he is Osama Bin Laden. The two men are one in the same, they just have a different cause. W is Saddam; they both use the same tactics to control the Iraqi people. Take three minutes and read this: http://slate.msn.com/id/2100014/

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